Cramer: House Passes Funding for Veterans Administration During Shutdown


WASHINGTON, D.C. – October 4, 2013 – (RealEstateRama) — Today Congressman Kevin Cramer voted to ensure veterans services continue to be funded during the current federal government shutdown. The measure passed by the House of Representatives funds the Department of Veterans Affairs and its critical services including veterans disability payments, VA home loans, education training, and the GI bill.

Congressman Kevin Cramer in
National News
Congressman Kevin Cramer in
Social Media

“Since the Senate rejected the formation of a conference committee to work out short-term funding differences, it is essential to keep services running for our veterans,” said Cramer. “It is bad enough the Obama Administration is trying to keep World War II veterans from seeing their open-air memorial by closing national monuments. Now the President is threatening to veto legislation providing the benefits they earned through their service,” said Cramer.

Earlier today the House also passed a bill which provides continuing pay and allowances for inactive-duty National Guard and Reserve members, and allows weekend training to continue. Unless the House bill is advanced or the shutdown is ended, inactive-duty training will be canceled impacting nearly 4,400 North Dakota National Guard soldiers and airmen.

“House Democrats joined House Republicans in passing every one of these important spending bills while we continue to negotiate. Certainly Senate Democrats could do the same and join us,” Cramer added.

The same legislation was defeated Tuesday due to lack of support from Democrats when it was brought up requiring a two-thirds vote. Today’s vote required a simple majority and passed with 224 Republicans and 35 Democrats in support.


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